How I make the Zucchini chips

Hello, my name is Nikita. I`m 12 years old and I love to cook. My love of cooking started two years ago when my mom made Khachapuri, a bread stuffed with cheese and on top, butter. I started last year trying to learn how to cook. I first made Zucchini chips. I was a little anxious to prepare myself, but it tasted great! What I did first was cut the zucchini into tiny slices. Then I put flour on both sides and put oil over a hot pan, then I cook the zucchini. After that, I place them on a plate and sprinkle salt and garlic powder. It`s a really easy dish to make, so anyone can make it. My favorite dish although is Bruschetta with Tomatoes and Mozzarella. It tasted so good that I want to make it every day 🙂 . I`ll write the recipe next time. Cooking is really fun!