Category Archives: Slavic

Slivyanka, plum liqueur

Skivyanka, plum liqueur. From 10 kg of plums, a little more than 10 l of super delicious drink. plums 1 kg vodka 0.5l sugar 300g Rinse the ripe plums thoroughly, remove the pits and cut into small pieces. 2. Place the chopped plums in a jar or wine bucket. I also put them in a special wine making bag. 3. Add vodka, Plum...
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Sour cream mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate

Сметанник, sour cream/ mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate. Super tasty, and yes, the flowers are edible Cметанник, очень хороший рецепт масло сливочное, 100 г; сгущенное молоко, 1 банка; яйца, 2 шт; соль, четверть ч.л; сода, 1 ч.л; какао, 1.5 ст.л; мука, 140 г. Крем: сметана, 600 г; пудра сахарная, 2 ст.л; загуститель для сметаны, 1 пачка. Глазурь: шоколад, 100 г; молоко,...
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