Category Archives: Slavic

Sour cream mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate

Сметанник, sour cream/ mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate. Super tasty, and yes, the flowers are edible Cметанник, очень хороший рецепт масло сливочное, 100 г; сгущенное молоко, 1 банка; яйца, 2 шт; соль, четверть ч.л; сода, 1 ч.л; какао, 1.5 ст.л; мука, 140 г. Крем: сметана, 600 г; пудра сахарная, 2 ст.л; загуститель для сметаны, 1 пачка. Глазурь: шоколад, 100 г; молоко,...
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Find this new recipe for the dough of vareniki and pelmeni this morning, so decided to try it. Ok, now this is defiantly me favorite recipe! :D  It was so easy to work with it, quick to make it and what is important, you can reuse the leftover pieces, so no more wasting of the dough. 200 ml boiled water 50g...
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Poppy seed buns

While I was working in the garden and planting seedlings, Nicole made delicious poppy seed buns. So lucky my kids can and love cooking! We changed a little bit her recipe, usually the filling is having more liquid, so try to cook longer on a low heat, add a little bit of flour or add les water....
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