Category Archives: Sauces & Marinades

Scandinavian backed salmon with creamy caviar sauce

‘Scandinavian’ backed salmon with creamy caviar sauce. Also, salty salmon. 400g salmon or trout, (make 2 stakes), olive oil or you can use / cook in parchment paper (what I did), lemon juice, salt, pepper. For the sauce: 100ml whipped cream, 1 tbsp dry white wine, 1 tsp red caviar, 0.5 tsp black caviar, salt, pepper. Place the fish on a baking...
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New Mexican book

When you buy a Mexican book to husband, and he is making tasty dinner from it. We love the book, it’s colorful with good quality photos, very interesting recipes and information. Nikita made homemade tortillas. (more…)...
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Spicy pickled cabbage

1 cabbage
3 carrots
6-8 garlic cloves
1 package of spices for Korean carrots
Salt, pepper
Smoked paprika
A half cup of Oil
chop the cabbage into medium-sized pieces and shred the carrots. Add salt and wring out, keeping the liquid, and leave it for 10 min. Add minced garlic, pepper, paprika, vinegar and spices.
Heat the oil...
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