Tag Archives: party

Roasted Marinated Peppers

This spicy appetizer is a great idea for a party. They can be stored in the marinade for about a week in the refrigerator if you cook them in high quantities. Good served with fish or meat. I usually use red or yellow bell peppers....
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Salad with Tomatoes and Peppers

Fresh, fragrant and tasty salad, with a slight bite of chili pepper and a pleasant tartness of capers, very easy to prepare. Dry the bread or fry it in a dry frying pan. If you don't have capers, you can add finely chopped anchovies or feta cheese. Sometimes I add mozzarella cheese as well....
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Ceviche is a Latin American dish of raw fish or seafood marinated in citrus juice. Every Latin American country has given ceviche their own unique take and style. In Peru, it is served with slices of cold sweet potatoes or corn, and in Ecuador – with popcorn, potato chips, nuts, and corn, where as in Mexico, we ate ceviche...
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Pirozhki with Cherries

Pirozhki are a Russian-Ukrainian dish of dough with filling that is baked or fried.  There are many recipes for making dough for pirozhki and a variety of toppings as well. It can be meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, jam, vegetable or fruit toppings. Savory pirozhki make great accompaniments to soups, borscht and stews, and sweet fillings...
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