Delicious, fun and colorful salad. Great idea for a party since it’s quick to prepare on the spot and you can mix the salad with mayonnaise before serving it in front of friends. I usually cook pork, the meat is more tender than beef and doesn’t overpower the vegetables.
Who knew grapes, chicken and mayonnaise went so well together? One of our favorite summer light salads, so tasty and easy to prepare. Plus you even can make it a day ahead of time which makes it perfect for a picnic or your party....
A great appetizer for a party or simply with dinner. Adding the garlic is optional, but it gives a nice sharpness for the dish. You can also add raisins....
Another tasty Russian-Ukrainian recipe. Mayonnaise can be replaced with vegetable or olive oil. It’s not necessary to add a garlic, but with the garlic it’s much tastier and adds a nice sharpness to the salad....
For this salad, I usually use new cabbage and cucumbers. A great idea for a dinner or picnic, just add the mayonnaise before eating the salad or use vegetable or olive oil with the addition of a little lemon juice instead of mayonnaise. If you like it spicy, add some garlic or hot pepper. One of my favorite, easy summer...
The very first greens in my garden come in April or early May and usually it's sorrel, chives, green garlic and parsley. Adding a couple more different herbs and vegetables to these greens gives me an excellent light, fresh and very healthy salad to start the season. Also you can add radishes and asparagus, which also are early spring vegetables....
Crunchy pickled cucumbers with a pleasant sour-salty and slightly spicy taste, a great recipe for summer. This is a perfect use for all your extra fresh cucumbers from the garden!
It's all about fresh, quick and tasty for the summer!...
In the former Soviet Union, this salad is considered traditional New Year dish, the name was in honor of creator of this salad, Belgian chef Lucien Olivier. Virtually no Russian table goes without this dish on New Year's Eve, birthdays and other celebrations. It's convenient, quick to prepare, and delicious. Some ingredients can be replaced by others,...