Fill each Zucchini Flower ( blossoms ) with ~1 tbsp of a mix of: cream cheese, garlic powder, chives, salt, pepper, and other herbs. If you want, you can other soft cheeses like ricotta, mozzarella, Boursin, mascarpone, etc. Dip them in a batter combined of flour, salt, and cold club soda; quickly deep-fry them without crowding the pot. Transfer...
Perfect recipe for busy summer days: Easy fast pickled tomatoes. Just mix together in an empty jar peeled whole tomatoes with the pickling juice from pickled cucumbers. Tighten the lid and leave in the fridge for 2-3 days. Can’t be any more easier than this Read more
So easy to make, but really delicious! You can serve as an appetizer, or bring them for a picnic; make them for breakfast/brunch with some tea, mimosa, or sangria.
Fried eggplant with garlic mayo and tomatoes, also smoked chicken wings and Argentinian chorizo, air fryer wings with lemon ginger and smoked salt.
More eggplant recipes.