Category Archives: Meats

Wonton Ravioli

This dish is very similar to Russian pelmeni. Just as with the pelmeni, it's better to mix the stuffing with two or three different kinds of meat, for example pork and beef or chicken, turkey. When they are ready they can be served with a sauce or...
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Meatballs with Cashews, Bananas and Curry

Very original idea for meatballs and it's so delicious! If the stuffing is too wet, add a slice of dry bread. Serve with mango chutney or 'Tkemali'- Georgian name for the cherry plum, as well as a sauce made of cherry plums. The flavor of the sauce varies between sweet and pungently tart....
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Lamb with Olives ‘Agnello Alle Olive’

This is an Italian dish of the Abruzzo region. Very simple and easy recipe for an excellent tender stew with olives and fragrant thick sauce. The main ingredients of this dish: lamb, olives, lemon, flour and chili. I like to add a little red wine to the sauce. Beef broth can be substituted for chicken broth. Before...
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Asian-Sesame Pork Ribs in Crock-pot

Flavorful and tender meat in an Asian style sauce. The meat falls off the bone as you take them out of the crock!  You can add some vegetables towards the end like carrots, celery, bell peppers, pea pods or cook the vegetables separately and serve them with the meat and white rice. Add the ingredients to your slow cooker before...
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Sweet and Spicy Ribs

In this recipe I use fig jam but you can substitute with any other sweet jam or just use honey. If you don't have spicy tomato paste, replace with chili sauce or chili peppers. There are some options for how you can cook these ribs: simmer in a pan then fry in the oven as I did, or fry them...
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Kartofelniki with Meat in Mushroom Sauce

Kartofelniki is a Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian dish, stuffed baked potato patty. You can make them with different toppings such as meat, mushrooms,  vegetables and serve with different herbs, sauces or cream, however it is normally served with sour cream. Tasty fried 'kartofelniki' can be a side dish to meat, but they are good with different fillings and used as...
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Beef with Vegetables in a Wok

When stir frying meat it's important to have the maximum amount of heat and to cook quickly. Don't cook too much at once or it will cook unevenly and lower the temperature of the wok too much. Put the meat in the wok and let set, then begin stir frying after 30-60 seconds. It's best to prepare the ingredients...
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