Stuffed bell peppers is a popular dish in Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldovan and Azerbaijan cuisine. The main ingredients are bell peppers, minced meat, rice and grated tomatoes. Usually stuffed peppers are served with sour cream.
I remember when I was a child my mother cooked these peppers a lot for us. My brothers and I never ate the peppers, which is...
Easy to prepare, tasty and original appetizer with seasonal vegetables, tomatoes and eggplants. The dish looks great and perfect for dinner with family and friends!
Mix together 1 cup of flour, 3/4 cup of sugar, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp nutmeg, pinch of salt, in another bowl mix 1 egg, 1/2 cup buttermilk, 1/3 cup sour cream, 1 tsp lemon/ lime juice, 1 tsp lemon/lime zest, 3 tbsp oil, vanilla. Add the wet mixture to the dry, mix everything will a spoon, don't...
Sweet, sour and so delicious! Instead of cherries and blueberries you can use other berries or fruits like cranberries, currants, gooseberries or even apples with cinnamon. Great easy summer recipe!
Perfect summer recipe and great idea for vegetarians. Choose cheese to your taste, it can be mozzarella, goat cheese or feta.
Recipe for Grilled Portobello with Mustard...
A great fresh and light dish perfect for spring or summer. Orzo, although a pasta, is not as heavy and really good for a salad. Mozzarella, asparagus and tomato with basil are ideal combination of ingredients. This is a perfect dish to bring to a picnic or potluck because it’s great at room temperature. Simple and delicious!...
Great combination of caramelized onions with sweet and sour peach, nuts and cheese. This is a versatile recipe you can try with different combinations of the above like switching out the peaches with pears or figs, and with goat or mozzarella cheese. So many combinations that you'll always find something new!
When making a panani, it's important to have a...