Tag Archives: New Year


Last week I made Golubtsi, also known as stuffed cabbage rolls. Golubtsi - is a delicious comfort food popular in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine. Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Balkans, Central Asia, Egypt, North Africa, China, and Korea. Polish – Golabki, Ukrainian – Holubtsi, Romanian – Sarmale, Georgia – Tolma, Balkans – Sarma, Hungary...
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Beet Carpaccio with feta Cheese and Mint Vinaigrette

Beet Carpaccio with feta Cheese and Mint Vinaigrette, love my fresh local vegetable basket! 4 small beets, different colors 1/3 cup of feta 1/4 cup of rice vinegar 1/4 cup chopped mint leaves 40 ml rosemary olive oil 1 tsp sugar garlic powder First I baked beets in the oven (200C around 45 min), covered tightly with foil. Bake them separate, sprinkle a little water inside. Cool,...
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Summer rolls with shrimp and pork

For the filling, you can use so many different ingredients, such as marinated and fried chicken with vegetables, baked salmon with avocado and vegetables, ribeye steak, sea bass, roasted or crispy pork, omelet with Asian sausage and vegetables, etc. These rolls I made this time are flavorful, light, and delicious; they are very healthy and not hard to make. Instead...
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Bacon Fig Jam

Here is the recipe from my son, Nikita. This jam is so delicious! Can't wait to use it with my burger next time or cheese plate! 

With this recipe, you can use either Bourbon Whiskey or Rum. I used a combination of Irish Whiskey and Rum (50/50...

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