Tag Archives: deep fried


Empanadas need no introduction - popular especially in Latin America and Europe, as well as southwest United States and southeast Asia. Empanadas like pirozhki are little pies with different fillings such as cheese, potatoes, carrots and other vegetables, minced or chopped pork, beef or chicken, shrimp, zucchini blossom, fruits, etc., the fillings are endless but generally...
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Fried and Steamed Dumplings

There are many ways to cook dumplings, by steaming, boiling, frying or even combining these techniques. One way I like doing it best is to fry them a little to make them crisp and then quickly steaming them to cook the filling and make them tender (or steam first and then fry). You can prepare dumplings in...
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Cottage Cheese Donuts with Condensed Milk

Absolutely delicious sweet donuts as well easy and quick to make. Better to eat them right away when fresh. Also it takes less time to make these donuts. Beat the dough for donuts in a food processor or blender. When cooking over medium heat, the oil shouldn't be too hot or the donuts will burn and not cook through....
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Taratushki was one of our favorite childhood treats. It is a popular dish among Slavic families. It’s hard to describe, something like a semi sweet donut. They deep fried which makes them a little crispy outside but soft and tender. Depending on how sweet you make them, the toppings will differ. Serve honey, jam or maple syrup to this...
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Belyashi is the national dish of the Tatars, common in Slavic countries. Belyashi are round shaped, fried pirozhki with finely chopped meat, usually with a small hole on the top. Traditionally belyashi are made with lamb, but you can use beef, its more practical and the flavor is still...
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Belyashi is the national dish of the Tatars, common in Slavic countries. Its also one of my favorite dishes from childhood. I remember in Ukraine when I was little and they sold belyashi on the streets or at the market, it was a very popular street food, even now one of the most common fast...
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Taratushki was one of our favorite childhood treats. It is a popular dish among Slavic families. It's hard to describe, something like a semi sweet donut. They deep fried which makes them a little crispy outside but soft and tender. Depending on how sweet you make them, the toppings will differ. With this recipe which will give you semi sweet...
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Chebureki are basically deep-fried stuffed patties. It’s a traditional dish of Turks, Mongolians and Crimean Tatars, and popular in the Russian Caucasus region along with Romania, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Usually the stuffing is meat such as lamb or beef mixed with pork, onions and various spices, but you can also use vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, or even fruits. There are many...
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Pirozhki are a Russian-Ukrainian dish of dough with filling that is baked or fried.  There are many recipes for making dough for pirozhki and a variety of toppings as well. It can be meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, jam, vegetable or fruit toppings. Savory pirozhki make great accompaniments to soups, borscht and stews, and sweet fillings...
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Crab Rangoon

An easy recipe for crab rangoon. Crab rangoon is an appetizer in American Chinese cuisine of North America. For the filling you can add a little grated ginger and also replace the garlic powder with fresh garlic. Serve with sweet and sour sauce, plum sauce or soy sauce. I usually serve with a thai sweet chili sauce. Read more