Tag Archives: appetizer

Toast with Grilled Avocado

The first time I tried this appetizer was at a local winery when we went with our friends for a  special chef's dinner. I immediately fell in love with it! It's quick and easy appetizer to prepare and so delicious! Our friend Chuck brought the same appetizer to our party a few days later and after that I decided...
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Strawberry season begins in late May-June and between the beginning of flowering and the fruit ripening runs from 20 to 26 days. Most strawberries spread by runners or bare-root. The plants that you set out are called the mother plants. They send out runners that root and develop daughter plants in mid- to late summer. Space the daughter plants evenly...
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Bruschetta - classic Italian quick and easy snack-antipasto, which is a slice of dried good bread -  like ciabatta - toasted until light brown and crispy on a grill and  very high-quality olive oil with garlic. And then it all depends on your imagination because there are so many topping for a bruschetta. The most common recipe is with...
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Asparagus-tomatoes Tart with Cheese

Puff pastry is one of my favorite ingredients to use. You can always come up with something original to cook, whether it's a dessert or something savory with cheese, vegetables or meat. From simple ingredients you'll have something very tasty, original and satisfying. This appetizer with asparagus, sun-dried tomatoes and cottage cheese my 12 year old son absolutely LOVED and...
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Everyone thinks of carrots as being orange but there also are purple, white, yellow and red varieties. It gives a sweet flavor and can used raw or cooked with lots of vitamins making it one of the most versatile root vegetables around. Dark orange carrots have more vitamin A. Carrots contain a lot of vitamins: A, C, K; potassium; alpha- and...
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