Russian-Korean carrots are always a great dish on any holiday. This salad can be served as a snack or used in the preparation to other dishes, such as meat salad with Korean carrots. Easy, simple and delicious! The Russian-Korean style carrots add color and spice....
Delicious fish cakes that are quick and easy to cook. You can use tilapia or steelhead trout for this recipe. The rice flour can be replaced with normal flour and a little corn starch. Serve this dish with rice and the sauce of your choice, I recommend jalapeno jam, sweet chili sauce or oyster sauce.
This dish is very popular in my country, it's a must for any holiday. The funny thing is that in Korea this salad doesn't exist, but it was made by Koreans who immigrated to Russia in the 1860s.
This is a marinated salad with fresh carrot as the main ingredient and seasoned with oil, vinegar, fresh garlic, coriander seeds, and...
In Ukraine we made this salad often, as soon as vegetables and herbs appear in the garden or in the market, which meant that spring has come! Simple, tasty, fresh and healthy spring salad. Instead of sour cream, you can add olive oil or yogurt. Also you can add bell pepper and more herbs in a salad....
Delicious and so simple to make! A good idea for a quick lunch or an appetizer for dinner. Serve with fresh vegetables and a glass of white wine and your party will be perfect! Goat cheese is an excellent compliment to the savory taste of mushrooms, but you can use another cheese like burrata, or buffalo mozzarella. I used...
The dish is commonly prepared in the northern and western parts of Mexico and in the American Southwest. Carne asada means ‘roasted beef’ but in reality it’s cooked on a grill. Before grilling, the meat is marinated in an olive oil with salt, lime juice, garlic powder and pepper. It’s best to use flank steak...
Hychiny - pies with potato and cheese or meat stuffed with herbs, the national dish of Karachay and Balkar. This is one of the most prestigious courses in the list of bakery foods Karachay-Balkar Kitchen. I cooked 'hychiny' with potatoes and cheese stuffing, adding some mushrooms and changed shape. Usually hychiny are round and sliced into 4 pieces. Toppings...