Tag Archives: baking

Meringues with Cream and Berries

A very sweet treat! Usually the meringue is too sweet for me but with the cream and berries it helps balance it a lot. The cream adds another texture and the tart berries balance out the sweetness of the meringue.The finished meringue can be stored without the cream in a sealed box, but not in the fridge!...
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Baked Vegetables with Cheese

Delicious, hearty, flavorful and colorful appetizer. If you like it more spicy, use fresh garlic instead of garlic powder. Also you can add herbs to your taste: parsley, dill, cilantro, or a mixture of Italian herbs. I'm using Ukrainian cheese for this dish called "Brinza", it's similar to feta cheese or another goat cheese. Alternatively you can use mozzarella....
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Delicious meringue-based dessert with berries that’s especially popular in New Zealand and Australia. This cake was actually created in honor of the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. There are several versions of how and why this cake was created disputed between Australians and New Zealanders. According to one version, the dessert was created by a chef from Australia, for...
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Rhubarb is a long, stalky plant that looks quite a bit like celery. In the spring, when there are no fruits and berries yet, fresh rhubarb is perfect for making tasty juices, sauces, and pies. Rhubarb is a perennial plant that spreads by rhizomes. The stalks are the tasty part while the leaves are toxic. The stalks can vary in...
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Macarons with Nutella and Lingonberry Jam

Wow, how long it took me to cook Macarons! Almost everywhere I read about macarons they talked about the complexities and subtleties of making this dessert. Macarons from the store I don't like much and to travel to where they are made properly, I don't have the opportunity so I decided to try to cook them myself, and you...
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