Light, flavorful dish, this tasty appetizer looks wonderful in small bowls or martini glasses. The flavor of salmon is perfect with cucumber and mango, but be sure to use fresh fish for this dish. Perfect when eaten on hot summer days. Fresh, delicious and low calorie appetizer!...
Delicious, fluffy, sweet buns. Instead of sugar, you can sprinkle sesame or poppy seeds on top. A good idea for Easter or just for breakfast, just serve them with cup of tea, coffee or milk....
A wonderful appetizer for the holidays. For this recipe you can use any red fish like trout or salmon, even tuna. Fish can be baked in the oven or grill. The salmon pate can also be served simply with crackers or bread....
This is a Scandinavian recipe for raw salmon. Great appetizer for the holidays, you can serve with vodka, dry white wine, or aquavit (a traditional Scandinavian spirit). For this recipe I like to use lemon salt. If you don't have fresh dill you can use dry dill to marinate the fish. Serve plain or on top of rye bread,...
For this recipe you can use salmon, trout, or a firm fleshed white fish like tilapia. The fish is moist, tender and flavorful. The recipe is simple and easy to make. For vegetables, you can also use zucchini, potatoes, fennel and others....