CHIMICHURRI With bone morrow, also baked garlic and garlic oil

CHIMICHURRI With bone morrow, also baked garlic and garlic oil. Perfect for tonight with grilled pork chops
Chimichurri I made with baked (or grilled) bone morrow. This time I made with cilantro (usually I use parsley and dried oregano), also I added cooked bone marrow, garlic, red wine vinegar and olive oil, hot pepper flakes, juice and zest of lemon, black pepper.
Baked garlic is so easy to make and perfect to use for so many dishes, you can use it with meat, on toast (you can put some sundried tomatoes or marinated bell peppers on top), and etc, the oil from the garlic I use for lots of dishes when I fry them, potatoes, vegetables, eggs, it gives nice light garlic flavor. Peeled garlic add to a baking dish, salt, red pepper or paprika. Pour enough oil to cover the garlic. Bake for 40-50 min until the garlic is golden in color. Cool, the oil poor into a jar, the garlic smash with the fork.