Category Archives: By Country


Last week I made Golubtsi, also known as stuffed cabbage rolls. Golubtsi - is a delicious comfort food popular in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine. Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Balkans, Central Asia, Egypt, North Africa, China, and Korea. Polish – Golabki, Ukrainian – Holubtsi, Romanian – Sarmale, Georgia – Tolma, Balkans – Sarma, Hungary...
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Colorful corn and corn smut

Colorful corn and corn smut, also known as Mexican truffle, cuitlacoche. We tried it at Tepoztlan, when we had our cooking classes there, it was tasty! The unique, earthy taste has been part of local cuisine since Aztec times. They would use the corn and the attached fungus in tamales and stews. Huitlacoche has a very pungent earthy, sweet...
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Zucchini flowers, new recipe with club soda

Found a new easy recipe for zucchini flowers, so tasty and flavorful. Definitely will make it again! 1/3 cup of flour, 1/3 tsp baking powder, 1/3 cup club soda, salt, garlic powder and peanut oil Mix flour, baking powder, salt and half of club soda, mix it good, add another half and mix it again. Fry in peanut oil, when...
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Crispy Buffalo Wings

Crispy Buffalo Wings I mixed flour, 1 tbsp of backing and garlic powder, salt, smoked paprika, pepper. sprinkle over the chicken and toss to combine. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil and place a wire rack over the pan. Bake the wings 230 C for 20 min, flip it over and bake for another 20- 25 min. When wings are...
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