Category Archives: Georgian

Chakhokhbili Chicken

Chakhokhbili Chicken. Chakhokhbili-stew poultry, one of the most delicious and popular dishes of Georgian cuisine. Originally it was prepared from a pheasant, but now is made from any bird, usually chicken. It’s a very tasty, flavorful dish, that does not use water, oil, or fat since tomatoes and onions give this naturally to the dish. I like to add...
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Last week I made Golubtsi, also known as stuffed cabbage rolls. Golubtsi - is a delicious comfort food popular in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine. Russia, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, the Balkans, Central Asia, Egypt, North Africa, China, and Korea. Polish – Golabki, Ukrainian – Holubtsi, Romanian – Sarmale, Georgia – Tolma, Balkans – Sarma, Hungary...
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Chicken with pomegranate juice

My new favorite cookbook and it’s my favorite country too! Always remember my time there when I was a little girl. Today I tried one of the recipes from this book, chicken with pomegranate juice, tastes and smells delicious 🤤 hope to visit this...
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Homemade Khinkali

I love when my kids ask me what can they cook for dinner, or they have some ideas of what they want to make. Today Nicole made khinkali, one of our favorite dishes from the country of Georgia; she loves them more than pelmeni, and they are more flavorful with a delicious bouillon...
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