About: Olya Sandstrom

Recent Posts by Olya Sandstrom

Colorful corn and corn smut

Colorful corn and corn smut, also known as Mexican truffle, cuitlacoche. We tried it at Tepoztlan, when we had our cooking classes there, it was tasty! The unique, earthy taste has been part of local cuisine since Aztec times. They would use the corn and the attached fungus in tamales and stews. Huitlacoche has a very pungent earthy, sweet...
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Old fashioned dill pickles

I canned already dill pickles this summer, I used this recipe, but added an extra 1 tbsp salt for each jar. Also, I prefer to put the jars in a pot with hot water for 15 min. (without tightening the lids) instead of the oven, after, release the air, close the lids tightly and turn the...
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