About: Olya Sandstrom

Recent Posts by Olya Sandstrom

Scandinavian backed salmon with creamy caviar sauce

‘Scandinavian’ backed salmon with creamy caviar sauce. Also, salty salmon. 400g salmon or trout, (make 2 stakes), olive oil or you can use / cook in parchment paper (what I did), lemon juice, salt, pepper. For the sauce: 100ml whipped cream, 1 tbsp dry white wine, 1 tsp red caviar, 0.5 tsp black caviar, salt, pepper. Place the fish on a baking...
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Find this new recipe for the dough of vareniki and pelmeni this morning, so decided to try it. Ok, now this is defiantly me favorite recipe! :D  It was so easy to work with it, quick to make it and what is important, you can reuse the leftover pieces, so no more wasting of the dough. 200 ml boiled water 50g...
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