About: Olya Sandstrom

Recent Posts by Olya Sandstrom

Candy Corn Meringues

If you are cooking meringue in advance or a lot at once - don't place them in the fridge, instead they should be stored in a sealed package for about a week. The orange color can be by mixing yellow and red dye in a 3:2 ratio. If you have a little extra white mix for meringues or other colors, you...
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Stuffed Bell Pepper Jack-o-Lanterns

A fun take on stuffed bell peppers for Halloween. Try to vary the filling, adding some vegetables to the meat like grated carrots, zucchini or different herbs to your taste. If you like spicy food, then add some chopped jalapeno. You can serve  these peppers with tomato sauce, mixing it with sour cream, salt and pepper. Very tasty peppers...
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Shrimp soup

A very tasty and flavorful Thai soup that is very simple and easy to make! The main thing to remember is to prepare the ingredients ahead of time before you start cooking. It is also best to fry vegetables and shrimp quickly over high heat. Adding coconut milk also gives the soup a unique taste. Read more

Pan De Muerto

Each year on November 1st and 2nd in Mexico as well as in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, people celebrate the Day of the Dead. This is a touching and at the same time joyous holiday  when people remember their dead relatives and ancestors. They believe that the souls of the dead relatives and friends come these days to visit...
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