Tag Archives: vegetarian

‘Potato’ Cakes

These 'cakes' I've loved since childhood. My family and kids love these as well! Don't be confused, these don't contain any potatoes and are a sweet dessert instead. It's another Slavic dessert dish with many options for cooking, with the addition of biscuits, breadcrumbs or cookies. They are usually in the shape of small potato and light inside...
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Pumpkin Buns

Light and airy buns made from pumpkins, a perfect dish for fall and also great idea for Thanksgiving! They are slightly sweet and quite easy to make from scratch, they'll look festive on your dinner table. The rolls are still good for the next day also so you can prepare in advance, just warm them up a little before...
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Pumpkin with Rice and Fruits

Tasty and beautiful dish, great idea for fall and Thanksgiving. You can add any fruit, including grapes, melons slices, currants, etc. Sugar can be replaced with honey and water with milk. Before serving, mix the rice with pumpkin, scraping it with a spoon from the walls of the pumpkin. If you  don't like rice with fruits, substitute meat instead,...
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Satsebeli (Satsibeli)

Satsebeli (Satsibeli) is a Georgian sauce, which literally means “sauce”, and is made from pureed tart fruit or fruit juices. There are many recipes of Georgian sauce satsebeli and each of them has its own characteristics and ingredients. This Georgian sauce can be from tkemali ( unripe mirabelles or very sour plums), tomatoes, unripe grapes, cherries, pomegranate juice and walnuts. This...
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Satsebeli Sauce (Pamidvris Satsebeli)

Satsebeli (Satsibeli) is a Georgian sauce, which literally means "sauce", and is made from pureed tart fruit or fruit juices. There are many recipes of Georgian sauce satsebeli and each of them has its own characteristics and ingredients. This Georgian sauce can be from tkemali ( unripe mirabelles or very sour plums), tomatoes, unripe grapes, cherries, pomegranate juice and walnuts. This...
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Zucchini pancakes

Crispy pancakes with a nice soft center. They taste like the zucchini version of 'deruny', Ukrainian potato pancakes. It's better to use older squash or zucchini, they have less liquid so the dough is thicker and much richer flavor. You can add fresh garlic instead of garlic powder, the flavor is a little stronger. The herbs you can change depending...
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