Tag Archives: snacks

Blackcurrant Jam

Very healthy and fragrant jam that is sweet and sour. Like gooseberry, blackcurrant berries have enough pectin itself so you don't need to add more pectin. Jam can be stored for a year or more in a cool dark place. You can add the blackcurrant jam to tea, ice cream, pancakes or in different pastries. Read more

Feta Cheese with Garlic and Herbs

This mixture is well served with crackers, toast or fresh vegetables. Also, you can stuff sweet peppers of different colors with this mix, freeze for 1 or 2 hours, then cut into slices with a sharp, slightly heated knife. It will look very pretty on a plate....
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Avocado and Cucumber Smoothie

This smoothie is good for a light summer supper. I did not expect that I will enjoy it. Fruit smoothies, yes, tasty, refreshing, but a vegetable...I'm not a fan. But, after trying it, I couldn't stop, delicious, original, nourishing and very healthy. Blend the celery and parsley in a blender (I don't have a juice machine) and then squeezed...
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Strawberries are very useful and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Strawberries actually have more vitamin C than lemons, lots of folic acid, iron, and organic acids. Strawberries help improve the function of kidneys, liver, heart, and blood vessels as well as benefits the nervous system. The downside is strawberries can cause allergies. The reason is because strawberries are porous...
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Toast with Grilled Avocado

The first time I tried this appetizer was at a local winery when we went with our friends for a  special chef's dinner. I immediately fell in love with it! It's quick and easy appetizer to prepare and so delicious! Our friend Chuck brought the same appetizer to our party a few days later and after that I decided...
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Strawberry season begins in late May-June and between the beginning of flowering and the fruit ripening runs from 20 to 26 days. Most strawberries spread by runners or bare-root. The plants that you set out are called the mother plants. They send out runners that root and develop daughter plants in mid- to late summer. Space the daughter plants evenly...
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Everyone thinks of carrots as being orange but there also are purple, white, yellow and red varieties. It gives a sweet flavor and can used raw or cooked with lots of vitamins making it one of the most versatile root vegetables around. Dark orange carrots have more vitamin A. Carrots contain a lot of vitamins: A, C, K; potassium; alpha- and...
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