A classic combo that's perfect for cool and snowy weather! Endless varieties but this is the latest I did and it was my favorite. Add a bit of cayenne pepper to give it a sharper flavor, it all depends on how spicy you like it. If you are vegetarian you can use vegetable broth instead of chicken....
Very tasty, the sauce goes well with vegetables. Dish is tasty for second day also, when vegetables were soaked with sauce. You can cook on the grill or just fry in a pan....
This is an excellent idea for a cocktail party. Everything is on a stick making it easy to eat. Around this time of year I have hundreds of small cherry tomatoes and this is a great way to use them. Fresh and tasty!
Prepare the balsamic sauce as described in this recipe: ‘Italian...
Fragrant flavored sweet-sour syrup. This syrup is nice to add to different drinks, both alcoholic and non, sour taste of kumquat pleasantly cool especially in hot summer weather. You can add the syrup in your tea, spread it on bread, served with spicy meat or use it in a milkshake or served with ice cream....
Tender, crisp, fish, with a pleasant spicy taste. One of my husband's favorite recipes. The steelhead trout can be substituted with salmon. Be sure to use tarragon with this recipe, it gives the dish sweetness along with the spicy flavor and aroma of anise. Without it the sauce is quite different. Also it’s important to roll fish in corn...
Gnocchi are Italian boiled potato dumplings, served with a variety of sauces. It can be a tomato, pesto or just melted butter with the addition of parmesan, garlic and various herbs. I made gnocchi with fresh homemade tomato sauce sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. Those who like spicy food can add hot pepper into the tomato sauce. This sauce can...
The aroma and flavor the syrup and jam is delicious! It's not necessary to add water, you can just use juice from more lemons. Half of the syrup I poured in a jar to use like a syrup, and in the second half I added pectin to make a jam. I used a lemon and a lime too, with...