Tasty Ukrainian lunch for us today! Borscht, also black bread and homemade salo with spices and garlic!
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About: Olya Sandstrom
Recent Posts by Olya Sandstrom
Pasta carbonara with leeks, so tasty!
Sour cream mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate
Сметанник, sour cream/ mascarpone cake with condensed milk, dark chocolate. Super tasty, and yes, the flowers are edible
Cметанник, очень хороший рецепт
масло сливочное, 100 г; сгущенное молоко, 1 банка; яйца, 2 шт; соль, четверть ч.л; сода, 1 ч.л; какао, 1.5 ст.л; мука, 140 г.
Крем: сметана, 600 г; пудра сахарная, 2 ст.л; загуститель для сметаны, 1 пачка.
Глазурь: шоколад, 100 г; молоко,...
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Homemade pasta, ravioli, tortellini and tortelloni with 5 cheeses and pizza
When it’s a rainy day on the weekend, we cook something together. Today: Homemade pasta, ravioli, tortellini and tortelloni with 5 cheeses.
but we didn't stop at pasta and ravioli, why not cook something else, it’s a great day for that! Homemade pizza, 4 different types, Mexican style with chorizo and chicken, BBQ with chicken and bacon,...
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Baked cauliflower with sour cream, smoked paprika, cheese, Provence herbs
Hasselback Butternut Squash with a Sweet and Spicy-Glaze, Thyme and Nuts
Hasselback Butternut Squash with a Sweet and Spicy-Glaze, Thyme and Nuts, one of my favorite recipes of butternut squash!
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Chicken satay with peanut butter sauce for dinner tonight, so delicious
Chicken satay with peanut butter sauce for dinner tonight, so delicious
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Baked Stuffed pork belly secreto ( poblano, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, onions, mozzarella) with baked potatoes and garlic, herbs, sour cream sauce
Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Another busy day, meatballs are always a good easy and fast dinner idea, tonight: Sweet and Sour Meatballs
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Baked Cauliflower with dry ranch seasoning and Parmesan
Baked Cauliflower with dry ranch seasoning and Parmesan, the recipe
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