How to choose and store carrots

Very sweet and tasty carrots are sold in the fall or early winter. In the summer carrots have a sharp taste and in the spring carrots are smaller and have a milder flavor. Good carrots should be firm, without unnecessary growth and smooth.
You need to dry unwashed carrots a little after harvesting and then keep in a refrigeratorĀ produce drawer for up to 2 weeks or over winter in a moist, cool place. Remove any greens attached to the carrots before storing. Before eating, wash them in a bowl of cold water and scrub with a vegetable brush if not peeling.
If you have harvested carrots in high quantities they can be kept in special bags, but do not close. The optimum temperature for storing carrots isĀ 0 C. For better preservation carrots store in a dry sand in boxes. Carrots can also be blanched and frozen.