Category Archives: Life

Old fashioned dill pickles

I canned already dill pickles this summer, I used this recipe, but added an extra 1 tbsp salt for each jar. Also, I prefer to put the jars in a pot with hot water for 15 min. (without tightening the lids) instead of the oven, after, release the air, close the lids tightly and turn the...
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Crispy Buffalo Wings

Crispy Buffalo Wings I mixed flour, 1 tbsp of backing and garlic powder, salt, smoked paprika, pepper. sprinkle over the chicken and toss to combine. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil and place a wire rack over the pan. Bake the wings 230 C for 20 min, flip it over and bake for another 20- 25 min. When wings are...
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