About: Olya Sandstrom

Recent Posts by Olya Sandstrom

Tuna Salad with Cucumber and Corn

Here is my favorite and most basic recipe for tuna salad. It can be served in a bowl like a salad, spread on crackers or to make tuna salad sandwiches. The cucumber can be replaced with chopped celery or shallots. It's lunchtime comfort food, I think it's just about perfect. Read more

Scrambled Eggs with Bacon, Tomato and Goat Cheese

We ate a similar omelete during our vacation in a French café for breakfast. It was served with fried new potatos in olive oil with herbs and a spicy tomato sauce. When I prepared this dish at home, I used goat cheese with garlic and herbs. This cheese is easy to find, I bought it at  Trader Joes. If you...
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Blueberry Peach Tart

Deliciously sweet and slightly sour tart topped with a bounty of fresh peaches and blueberries, it's a true taste of the season and easy to prepare. Even on the next day it stays tasty, so you can eat it cold or slightly warmed up in the microwave. Serve with tea or milk for breakfast, or as a dessert with cream...
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Cilantro, Coriander

Every year, I grow cilantro in my garden and in the fall I transplant some cilantro plants into pots and put in a sunny window. The rest I finely chop and dry or freeze. Thorough watering is more important than frequent watering when growing cilantro inside. Make sure that you have plenty of drainage holes in the bottom of the container so that water can...
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