Category Archives: Kitchen Tips

Chopped garlic tip

A great and simple cooking tip: finely chop fresh garlic (I usually use a Ninja food Processor), put into a container, add olive oil, covering all the garlic, and set it in the fridge. it’s handy when I need to fry something with fresh garlic and saves time with peeling (more…)...
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Easy fast pickled tomatoes

Perfect recipe for busy summer days: Easy fast pickled tomatoes. Just mix together in an empty jar peeled whole tomatoes with the pickling juice from pickled cucumbers. Tighten the lid and leave in the fridge for 2-3 days. Can’t be any more easier than this  Read more

Keeping herbs fresh for weeks

Here is a great tip for keeping herbs fresh for weeks in your fridge and they look like they were just picked from the garden. All that you need to do is wash your herbs under cold water, dry them with a kitchen or paper towel slightly, add the dry herbs to clean...
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Lemon water with honey

Drinking warm water in the morning, 30 min before breakfast, with 1tsp fresh lemon/ lime juice and 1 tsp of honey, can help flush out the digestion system and re hydrate the body. Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning, helps wake up your liver and stimulate proper stomach acid production and bile production to aid in...
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Christmas (festive) aroma in the house

How to make your house smell like Christmas. Great idea for Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, or any fall/winter chilly evening. 8 cups of water 1 orange (skin) 1 lemon (skin) 1 apple cut into 4-8 pieces 2 cinnamon sticks 1 branch of a Christmas tree or a small bunch of rosemary 3 star anise 1 tbsp vanilla 5-10 cloves caramel and nut syrup (almond) Add all the ingredients into a...
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