Blog Archives

Mini Berry Pies

Tasty dough with a nice sweet and sour berry stuffing. For the filling you can use not only fresh or frozen berries, but also a different fruits or jam depending on your taste. I really liked the filling of fig jam. Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least an hour. I used a special mini pie mold...
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Nalysnyky is a traditional Ukrainian dish made from thin pancakes and served with sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk, caviar, whipped cream, or even more savory ingredients like cheese, meat, mushrooms or vegetables. It's very similar to crepes. Traditional Ukrainian fillings for Nalysnyky is cottage cheese with sugar and raisins, and the second most popular filling is meat. Since I added the...
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Qutab with cheese and herbs

Qutab is an Azerbaijani dish made with a thin, crescent-shaped cake of unleavened dough and stuffed. Its very tasty, simple and healthy. For filling you can use meat, usually lamb with onion, or nearly anything else (pumpkin, nuts, pomegranate seeds, onion, sorrel, herbs). For the cheese filling it's best to use goat cheese, or something salty like feta. If...
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Basil jam

The aroma and flavor the syrup and jam is delicious! It's not necessary to add water, you can just use juice from more lemons. Half of the syrup I poured in a jar to use like a syrup, and in the second half  I added pectin to make a jam. I used a lemon and a lime too, with...
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Chebureki with meat

Chebureki are basically deep-fried stuffed patties. It’s a traditional dish of Turks, Mongolians and Crimean Tatars, and popular in the Russian Caucasus region along with Romania, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Usually the stuffing is meat such as lamb or beef mixed with pork, onions and various spices, but you can also use vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, or even fruits. There are many...
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Chapati - Indian flat unleavened bread made from wheat flour, delicious when is hot and similar to pita bread. Cooking chapati is very easy and quick, you just need flour, water and salt. Instead of water, you can use yoghurt or milk, it will give you a very soft bread. I add to the dough a little vegetable oil...
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Philippine adobo chicken and pork

Adobo is the name of a popular Filipino dish that is cooked with chicken, meat or seafood, marinated in a sauce of vinegar and garlic, and then fried and simmered in the marinade. Usually they are using coconut, rice or cane vinegar, but you can try white or cider vinegar. The dish is so easy to prepare, the meat...
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