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Cottage Cheese Donuts with Condensed Milk

Absolutely delicious sweet donuts as well easy and quick to make. Better to eat them right away when fresh. Also it takes less time to make these donuts. Beat the dough for donuts in a food processor or blender. When cooking over medium heat, the oil shouldn't be too hot or the donuts will burn and not cook through....
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Taratushki was one of our favorite childhood treats. It is a popular dish among Slavic families. It's hard to describe, something like a semi sweet donut. They deep fried which makes them a little crispy outside but soft and tender. Depending on how sweet you make them, the toppings will differ. With this recipe which will give you semi sweet...
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‘Hychiny’ – Thin piroshki with potatoes and cheese

Hychiny - pies with potato and cheese or meat stuffed with herbs, the national dish of Karachay and Balkar. This is one of the most prestigious courses in the list of bakery foods Karachay-Balkar Kitchen. I cooked 'hychiny' with potatoes and cheese stuffing, adding some mushrooms and changed shape.  Usually hychiny  are round and sliced into 4 pieces. Toppings...
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